Step Action
1 Create a new Collection in Postman.
New collection
2 Edit the name of your new collection and call it Sandbox.
Edit collection name
3 Configure the authentication for your sandbox:
Configure your sandbox step A and B
  1. Select Sandbox in the left menu and select the tab Authorization.
  2. Select OAuth 2.0 in the list Type.
  3. Scroll down to the panel Configure New Token.
    Configure New Token
  4. Enter the field Token Name, in this example we enter COS Authorizer Token.
  5. Select Client Credentials in the list Grant type.
  6. Copy the url than you used in the collection Authorizer test and paste it in Access Token URL.
  7. Paste your Client-id in the field Client ID.
  8. Paste your Client secret in the field Client Secret.
  9. Configure the permissions to read and write in the field Scope.
    To perform a GET requests you need user/*-read and to perform POST requests you need user/*-write.
    You can enter both, separated by space.
  10. Select Send as Basic Auth header in the list Client Authentication.
4 Click Get New Access Token.
Get new access token
5 Click Use Token.
Use token