Step Action
1 Create a new Collection in Postman.
New collection
2 Edit the name of your new collection and call it Authorizer test.
Edit collection name
3 Select your collection Authorizer test in the left panel, and then select Add a request.
Add a request
4 Enter the name of your request. In this example: Fetch access token.
Name the request
5 Enter the following URL in the field Enter request URL:
Enter the request URL
6 Change the request type to POST.
Change the request type to POST
7 Select the tab Authorization.
Enter credentials in the Authorization tab
  1. Select Basic Auth in the list Type.
  2. Enter your Client-id in the field Username.
  3. Enter your Client secret in the field Password.
  4. Save the changes in your request at regular intervals.
Save request
8 Select the tab Body.
Select the Body tab
  1. Select the radio button x-www-form-urlencoded.
  2. Enter grant_type in the column KEY, and then enter client_credentials in the column VALUE .
  3. Enter scope in the column KEY, and then enter user/*-read in the column VALUE .

9 Save the request and test that it is working:
Save and send the request
  1. Select Save.
  2. Select Send.
Result: If the request worked as expected, you should receive the result 200 OK.
The field below displays your access token. Futher down you can find information about the duration of your token's validity before you need to renew it.
The request is OK